RAUMZEITFILM stands for cinematic transformations of space and time in cinema. The production company was founded 2016 by Elsa Kremser and Levin Peter and is based in Vienna/Austria. The company forms the framework to independently produce their films as a directing-duo. Each of their projects is based on years of intensive research that reflects contemporary, social and psychological complexities. A theme that permeates all of their works is the connection between nature, myth and modernity. They create cinematic worlds that are always at the intersection of fiction, surrealism and documentary storytelling. RAUMZEITFILM provides the production structures, long-established relationships with the creative Head-Of-Departments, as well as a network of international partners for this working method. 

Their first production SPACE DOGS premiered 2019 at Locarno IFF, was screened at more than 70 festivals and received multiple awards, like the Vienna Film Award as “Best Austrian Film”. It was theatrically distributed in Austria, Germany, US, Japan and several other territories and was nominated for the Austrian and German Film Award. Their second documentary DREAMING DOGS is currently in postproduction and will be released in 2024. The directors-duo first fiction feature project THE GREEN PARROT received the Berlinale Kompagnon Script Award, participated in Torino Feature Lab and is currently in editing.



Director, Author & Producer

Elsa Kremser, born 1985 in Wolfsberg/Austria, studied film science at the University of Vienna. During her studies at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, she realized several documentaries as an author and producer that were shown at festivals worldwide. Her diploma film NEBEL received an honorable mention at the Berlinale Perspective. In 2016, she founded the production company RAUMZEITFILM in Vienna together with Levin Peter. Their film SPACE DOGS premiered at Locarno IFF, received among others the Vienna Film Award as "Best Austrian Film", was presented at over 70 film festivals worldwide and nominated for the Austrian and German national film award. She was awarded with the Carinthian Cultural Award for Film, the Nipkow fellowship and the ExtraValue Artist Residency NY. She gives guest lectures at film schools and universities such as Filmakademie BW, HFF Munich, TU Wien and was a Jury member of Visions du Reel, Zurich Film Fund as well as the Austrian Outstanding Artist Award. As a directing duo Elsa Kremser and Levin Peter are currently working on their first fiction feature THE GREEN PARROT, which received the Berlinale Kompagnon Award for script development and participated in Torino Feature Lab.


Director, Author & Producer
Documentary / 2019 / 91 min


Producer & Author (directed by Nicole Vögele)
Documentary / 2014 / 60 min
Berlinale Perspective 'Honorable Mention' 
Visions du Réel Nyon 
Nominated 'German Art Film Award'


Producer & Author (directed by Levin Peter)
Documentary / 2012 / 70 min
Directed by Levin Peter
Premiere: Visions du Réel Nyon 'Int. Competition'


Producer (directed by Stefan Neuberger)
Documentary / 2012 / 30 min
Premiere: Int. Short Film Festival Oberhausen


Producer & Author (directed by Levin Peter)
Documentary / 2010 / 37 min
Premiere: Visions du Réel 'Honorable Mention'


Director, Author & Producer

Levin Peter was born 1985 in Jena/Germany. At the age of 21 he realized his first documentary PRESTES MAIA in Sao Paulo/Brazil with ZDF/arte. During his studies at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg he directed several documentaries which were shown at festivals worldwide. His diploma film BEYOND THE SNOWSTORM won the First Steps Award and was presented as a guest of the Berlinale Perspective. In 2016, he founded the production company RAUMZEITFILM in Vienna together with Elsa Kremser. Their film SPACE DOGS premiered at Locarno IFF, received among others the Vienna Film Award as "Best Austrian Film", was presented at over 70 film festivals worldwide and nominated for the Austrian and German national film award. He was awarded with the Gerd Ruge fellowship, the Nipkow fellowship and the ExtraValue Artist Residency NY. He gives guest lectures at film schools and universities such as HFF Munich, TU Wien, Uni Rostock and was part of the jury of Visions du Réel and This Human World Film Festival. As a directing duo they are currently working on their first feature film THE GREEN PARROT, which received the Berlinale Kompagnon Award for script development and participated in Torino Feature Lab.


Director, Author & Producer
Documentary / 2019 / 91 min


Documentary / 2016 / 92 min 
First Steps Award 'Best Documentary'
Berlinale Perspective 'Special Screening'


Short Fiction/Installation / 2016 / 20 min
in cooperation with Ensemble Modern
Premiere: Cresc. Biennale Frankfurt/Main


Documentary / 2012 / 70 min
Premiere: Visions du Réel Nyon 'Int. Competition'


Documentary / 2010 / 37 min
Premiere: Visions du Réel 'Honorable Mention'


Documentary / 2008 / 52 min
Produced by Gebrueder Beetz & ZDF/ARTE